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October 24


Best Pencil Cases for Your Sketching Kit

By Mstrsktch

October 24, 2020

best pencil cases

Once you start cultivating an artists eye, there is no turning back.  Every where you look is a new composition.  A new muse to fuel your creativity. And where is your kit??  You reach for a dry erase marker or some lipstick, or a stick and dirt.  Anything to get the vision in your head – out!  To express your view of the world in that moment – at that time.
3 Leather small pencil cases for artists

Of course it’s not always easy being an artist… but it certainly is fulfilling.

But how many times have you had the above experience, where the moment just overtook your experience.  And instead of exploring that moment creatively, you took out your phone, snapped a shot, and went on with your life.

With what result?  You review the photo later in the day or week and …  the magic is gone.  You search for the feeling that moved you in the moment and it’s not there. Try as you might, the photo is dull, lifeless, and no real source of inspiration.

The fact is, when those moments strike, stop.  Enjoy, absorb, suck the marrow out of those moments!  It’s these little moments that can exponentially fuel your creativity!

Having your best pencil case and sketching kit handy and ready to go seems like such a little thing.  But trust me, it’s the little things in life that lead to the big ones.  So lets talk about why our little drawing kit and case is such a great addition to your back pocket.

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Best Leather Pencil Case


What is it about leather?  A canvas case is cheaper, will hold your art supplies just as well.  But there is something about the smell of leather that just radiates ‘quality’.

For me, for my art, quality is an important part of the process.  I want to cultivate quality in little things so that quality will be more likely to emerge in the big things too.

Now quality art is not necessarily dependent on quality  materials, it does help.  Just as you are the average of your five closest friends the quality of your supplies can effect the quality of your efforts.  Your posture and body language changes from when your wearing jeans and flannel to wearing a suit and tie.  The difference in how you feel and act when wearing sweat pants to wearing an elegant evening dress can have cascading effects.

Now don’t get me wrong, I myself am not a fancy painter, wearing a suit when I paint:)  But there is a lot to be said about the connection between quality in little things and quality in big things ( and there have actually been incredible artist in times past who did actually paint in suits!).

So needless to say, the simple process of unzipping my leather art wallet, and smelling that rich leather, is one of the little triggers I try to surround myself with when cultivating the moment.  When chasing creative flow and losing myself in the process.

Leather vs Fabric

Over the years, various materials have been used to make various pencil cases for artists all over the world. While these materials all seek to help artists store mechanical pencils and other essential drawing items, it comes down to personal choice.

Our drawing mechanical pencil kits offer both leather and canvas.  The leather is a little more expensive and sized to fit in your back pocket.  The black canvas is slightly larger, durable and sized to add some of your favorite tools, in addition to what already comes with the kit.

Leather has proven to be a great option for pencil cases and wallets.

  • Leather ages well.  Life fine wine as opposed to old bread:)
  • Leather is generally easy to clean.   Often times, you can merely wipe stains off, compared to fabric which is more absorbent.
  • Leather also has a slight ability to be healed.  For small scuffs and wear marks, simply rub the cleft between your nostrils for a bit of oil.  Rub the mark lightly with your finger in small circular motions – and wahlah – good as new!

Additionally, leather happens to be incredibly comfortable to use and carry. It is light and can fit perfectly in your hands, not to mention it looks great with a classy outfit.

The Best Pencil Cases For Artists


It is super convenient. For artists and other creatives, inspiration comes in the most unexpected places. It could be in your favorite coffee shop, waffle house, or even on an airplane or boring board meeting. Having a quick and easy means to express your self a beautiful thing

It’s such a shame when the creative process is halted or stymied before it even has the chance to begin. This is why we love our little drawing mechanical pencil set! Yes we are both users and dealers;) Give our MstrSktch Leather Pencil Case a try, might just be your new best friend.

In addition to being convenient, this mechanical drawing pencil case is also lightweight.

Our leather version is  stylishly fitted with suede leather while the outside is designed with traditional rustic leather. This makes this case both stylish and really tasteful. Plus, you can conveniently fit this case into your back pocket.

For our 2mm lead set, the mechanical pencils are grayscale making it easy to choos the right value lead ( graphite refills are pre supplied at hardness 4H, HB, and 5B)

The kit also comes with a kneaded eraser for those little grumpy mistakes and an emery board (in addition to cap sharpeners) to get that perfect custom edge.

By this point it should be obvious, our MstrSktch Leather Pencil Case is the best out there. It comes with all of the features you could want in a drawing pencil case plus more.


  • Real Leather Pencil Case 4″x7″x.75″
  • Three 2mm metal mechanical pencils in gray scale
  • 3 Sets of 2mm Refill in broad value range (4H/HB/5B)
  • Kneaded Eraser
  • Emery Board

Super Duper Best Pencil Case Wrap-up

We think you’ll like it. Designed to be convenient, to fit in your back pocket so your ready whenever inspiration strikes.  Not an everything plus the kitchen sink option.

Man Drawing by a mountain river

The idea is to make sketching every day as effortless as possible.  Running out the door, just grab your keys & wallet, your drawing kit and small sketchbook and zoom! Ready for what ever the day brings!

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Sketching Pencil Set

Making Art Inevitable!